Versi Rapi
That Life Has to Go On is Right, Eh?
Conversation with one nice pal about a goddamned thing called 'skripsi' suddenly opened my eyes about what i'd been done with my times. She's gonna take a final project so she asked me much about it. Termasuk kutukan skripsi apa saja yang udah gw lewatin, and I told her all the long-ended story about things that made me stopped working on my project over and over again to some runaways like play around and took some jobs just to sweep those problems out of my head for a while. And as she tried to cheer me up and said "it's awesome that you passed thorugh it all and survived", i suddenly realized that i didnt thrive at all. That i just stand on another runaway. I did'nt tell her much about what kind of romance i had that stopped me from life so long, but maybe it's so obvious for her to guess that i'd stuck on a broken stupid thing called love or something. So i asked her how to mend our mood at such situation (another kind of curhat nyolong, eh?). And she said she didnt know. Even when she'd passed through situation like that much more than me, she still didn't have any idea of what could be better to do than a runaway. And she started to told me stories about hers, and at the end of the conversation i concluded that i'd been gone for a runaway for too far. It's been months and i still try to decline to face what happened at the reality. Who can decide what things will happening at the future? No one does, and the best thing we can say is that life must go on. Something i've overheard but didn't get pretty well. Something i should learn from her, and i will.

Well, forget it anyway. It must have been more than a week since i posted the last entry. Hmm, maybe i just lost my taste of writing blog, atau mungkin hidup memang sedang dalam posisi yang membosankan, dan tidak ada hal menarik yang bisa diceritakan. Yeah, my few last posts was so patethic, though. Haha, emangnya kapan blog ini pernah penting? hehe
Friday, January 30, 2009
  1. Dibawa santai ajah Bos, kalo menurutku sih klo yang namanya future emang gak isa ketebak. Mau dibolak-balik kayak apa pun, takdir mentoknya segitu ya segitu..

    Cuma kadang aku mikir, kayaknya bikin hepi kalo kita merasa "Ah, udah sejauh ini..". Ngebayangin bisa masuk UGM, terus kenalan ma orang sak Indonesia, sampe bisa maen2 ke mana2, kayaknya itu udah nikmat..

    Skripsi tuh gampang, yang susah entar pas selesai skripsi. Hehehe.

  2. Que sera sera...
    The future's not ours to see...
    Que sera sera...
    What will be, will be...

  3. okay!!
    push that damn f*cking wheel of life!!

  4. hmm...
    skripsi oh skripsi..

    Btw, update blog dgn review berbayar aja rei!!

  5. sangprabo,
    Sip, dimengerti ;)
    Yang susah tuh niat untuk memulainya, sebenernya, hehe

    When I was just a little boy,
    I asked my mother what will i be
    Will i be handsome?
    Will i be rich?
    My mother said,
    "Of course!!!"

    Penjahat cupu,
    Yap, dimulai dari sekarang!

    Review bebayar? hahaha, mending bikin blog baru buat itu :D Ni kan blog autobiografi ceritanyaa, gituh

  6. tidak ada yang bisa kamu lakukan selain paksa dirimu untuk mikir apa yang dilakukan byar bab 1 berlanjut dg bab2 dst..
    force urself pal,, paksaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;))
