Versi Rapi
Year 1
Think you know it all, think you've been through everything, and then life come with lessons you've never thought before.

Rasa-rasanya makin kesini waktu bukan lagi berjalan atau berlari, tapi menguap dan lenyap begitu saja. We dont count days anymore but years. Nggak kerasa hampir setahun gue pindah dari Sidoarjo, dan rasanya seperti wow begitu banyak cerita yang terjadi sejak itu. Terlalu banyak untuk bisa dicerna, terlalu cepat untuk bisa diresapi, dan tiba-tiba nyadar semua berjalan terlalu cepat dan banyak hal tertinggal di belakang. Orang-orang baru, tempat-tempat baru, kebiasaan-kebiasaan baru. Pelajaran-pelajaran baru.

By the way, its hard to trust people nowadays. Stuffed on a sub-urban city life means you have to deal with depressed society, anyday crimes, traffic jams, low quality food, wrong perspective of life orientation, tight deadlines, self actualization, etc etc. You know this kind of pressure will certainly make your character stronger. But you also know, you need to take a break sometimes. And i just couldnt find a trigger to make that break until series of funny things from life hit my head on the same time. Gue malas nulis disini, but it's all about untrustworthy people, and what you should do to deal with these people. As for me, after all previous lessons, being honest is the most important thing however rude it may sounds. But for those people, i dont know, maybe they take our honesty for granted and never think that they need to do the same thing, or maybe other reasons, or maybe they are simply crazy. And sometimes i wonder, how does it feel, being an untrustworthy people?

And yeah, this is life. I used to have a good friend taught me these words: This is life. Its a three simple words, but also is deep. Whenever life hits you hard, just say, this is life. Nothing you can do to control it. Just accept the way it is, dont ever complain or blame anyone, just feel it as it melting your bones. This is life, this will pass.

And then some so-called friends of mine in Sidoarjo texted  me, "Hey, we miss you! Kapan pulang?" And suddenly i realized, many things on me are left behind as the time slipped.

Things. People. Left behind just like that. There are new people i meet here, good people to get along with, but we always know, a home is where we left a part of us to go back for it.
Saturday, December 8, 2018
  1. Replies
    1. Ebuset masih ada yg ngikutin blog ini, anda luar biasah, haha

      Makasih udah mampir gan!

  2. Really want to say that one tapi sekarang bakal digaplok sama laki.


    Married life is like a rope.

    Apa kabar Twin?
